Energy vs Climate

Stranger than (Climate) Fiction

Energy vs Climate Season 5 Episode 7

What is the role of literature in the climate policy and technology discussion? How does the genre allow us to explore uncomfortable climate scenarios, including those to do with heat death and direct action? While ultimately successful, the path laid out in the book is very bumpy, volatile, and rife with violence – strikingly different from the smooth and orderly transition often offered up by politicians and techno-optimists.

On S5E7 of Energy vs Climate, David, Sara, Ed, and New York Times bestselling author Kim Stanley Robinson (of The Ministry for the Future) discuss how science fiction can help us explore different climate scenarios and solutions.

@0:21 – Kim Stanley Robinson
@0:21 – The Ministry for the Future - Kim Stanley Robinson
@3:13 – How hot is too hot for humans? Understanding wet-bulb temperatures
@9:00 – Carboncoin
@10:25 – The unprecedented Pacific Northwest heatwave of June 2021
@13:55 – Karl Popper
@18:45 – How to Blow Up a Pipeline - Andreas Malm
@20:32 – Dave Foreman
@21:30 – Climate protesters throw tomato soup on Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’
@27:50 – Who is Wiebo Ludwig? A thunder storm wrapped in the flesh of a man. Part 1
@30:52 – Glacier geoengineering to address sea-level rise: A geotechnical approach (Lockley et al, 2020)
@31:50 – Solar Geoengineering - should we go there?
@39:25 – Empowering Female Climate Change Activists in the Global South: The Path Toward Environmental Social Justice - Peggy Ann Spitzer
@44:05 – The Hottest Year
@46:10 – Utility of the blockchain for climate mitigation (Chen, 2018)
@49:05 – Overshooting 1.5 C limit 'looks inevitable' with record CO2 emissions from fossil

Energy vs Climate: How climate is changing our energy systems

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