Energy vs Climate
Energy vs Climate is a live, interactive webinar and podcast where energy experts David Keith, Sara Hastings-Simon and Ed Whittingham break down the trade-offs and hard truths of the energy transition in Alberta, Canada, and beyond.
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Energy vs Climate
Ed's #GivingTuesday Fundraising Pitch for Energy vs Climate
Support Energy vs Climate on #GivingTuesday
Energy vs Climate is a labour of love – we hosts don't draw a salary from the show because we feel strongly about the public service benefit of the project.
But, we still have production costs. So, we're asking one last time for you to please consider making a one-time or monthly donation in our only annual donation campaign. Thanks in part to last year's generous supporters, just yesterday we recorded a show with New York Times columnist David Wallace-Wells. It was a terrific conversation (thanks to all who sent in questions), and we look forward to dropping it on our feed in the next few days. We're nearly at our goal of $5000 - by helping us to reach this goal, you're helping to keep Energy vs Climate on the air.
Thanks so much everyone. Now back to EvC's irregularly scheduled programming.
-Ed, Sara and David
Energy vs Climate
Ed Whittingham: Hey everyone, it's Ed here with a very quick pitch. If you've been pitched to death already by other causes, or even by us, then no need to keep listening. Just hit the pause button right now. But if you're still here, and I'm happy to wait a sec for you to decide,
then here's my pitch. I am now channeling my inner Sarah Koenig, because I think her pitches for New York Times subscriptions are pretty good. David, Sara and I love creating energy versus climate content for you. Uh, I don't suspect we ever dreamed of being content creators as kids, but neither did I ever dream of working on tax policy as a form of climate activism.
But there you go. We hosts, uh, we don't draw money from the show because we feel strongly about the public service benefit of EVC. Instead, we pass around our little tin cup every so often to cover production costs. So, we're asking one last time for you to consider making a one time or monthly donation in our only annual donation campaign.
Earlier today, David and I recorded a show with Sarah Koenig's New York Times colleague, columnist David Wallace Wells. A reminder that our Sarah, Hastings Simon, is still away on medical leave. I felt it went pretty well. David, our David, was his usual. Uh, thought provoking article itself. Uh, David W. W. had the same terrific insights that he shares in his columns.
And I personally mangled an avocado analogy that hopefully our producer Amit fixes up in post. Worst in all, we'll drop it on our feet in the next few days. We are nearly at our goal of 5, 000 bucks. And if some of you kindly pitch in a few bucks more Then we'll reach the goal and you can tell whomever you like that you're helping to keep energy versus climate on the air.
If anyone in your milieu cares or listens, I don't know. That's the pitch. And unlike Sarah Koenig or, uh, actually our Sara, Sara Hastings Simon. I can't say in good faith that my kids are really EVC subscribers themselves, but they support EVC by not streaming videos whenever we tape shows to free up bandwidth here in a house.
And, and that, you know, that's pretty special. That's pretty meaningful. Thanks everyone. Uh, now back to EVC's irregularly scheduled programming.